Where to train in Montessori teaching?

| Classé dans childhood

Montessori teaching is an increasingly popular method. Indeed, it is a technique for educating young people that professionals in the field use. It is considered an evolving pedagogy, because it concerns children from a very young age to secondary school. Also, it is not just reserved for professionals, parents can also use it to provide their children with a good education. Where to train in Montessori teaching?

Montessori Education

What is Montessori training?

There Montessori training allows you to learn more about this method of education. It should be noted that during the training, teachers or parents will learn everything they need to know about this method. To this end, the training covers, among other things, foundations of pedagogy and its principles. These areas are very important to successfully educate a child.

The foundation of Montessori pedagogy

At Montessori training course, you must learn everything about the foundation of this pedagogy. It should be noted that it manifests itself in the child’s living environment through objects, teachers and premises. The goal is to arouse in the child the desire and desire to learn and express themselves. Therefore, the frame must be perfectly secure and adapted to the age of the child. With this training, professionals and parents must know that the relationship between them and the child is reversed. To be more explicit, the subject here is the child and through play, he must discover himself. The educator is just present to encourage him.

The different principles of this method

THE principles represent a primordial axis during this Montessori training. Indeed, note that the pedagogy is based on your child’s freedom of choice. Thus, he is free to propose the activities he wants. The goal is that he must feel in control of his choices. Also, you must let him spot his own mistakes without waiting for your help. This facilitates self-discipline in the child and it evolves better during activities. From there, he will be able to control and correct his own mistakes.

The training is also based on respecting the child’s rhythm. For that, prioritize individual activities while remaining inactive regarding each child’s abilities or speed. Experience is one of the keys to learning. With the 5 senses, children or learners easily grasp the concepts. For the founder of this method, Maria Montessori, it is essential to prepare your child for a social life while he is still very young. Therefore, this training should help you better understand the child’s choice. Additionally, you must be able to help the child learn skills they may not have had. This is the whole objective of Montessori training.

What is the Montessori method?

There Montessori pedagogy is a method implemented by one of the very first doctors in Italy: Maria Montessori. It is an educational method which is based on:

  • self-confidence,
  • the experiments,
  • autonomy,
  • and gentle learning.

The objective of the Montessori method is to promote the senses, awakening, openness to the world as well as child development. All this is done on the sole condition that the child’s learning pace and interests are respected. However, Montessori pedagogy makes it possible to distinguish the child’s sensitive periods. Indeed, it is during this period that the child is willing to develop certain skills. So, remember that several stages come into play. These are language, order, social behavior, coordination of movements, refinement of the senses and grasping objects.

Why train in Montessori?

This method is the basis for the development of self-confidence and the development of children. Here are, among other things, its advantages for the different stakeholders.

Why train as a teacher?

It is not uncommon to encounter in Montessori training centers nursery class teachers or others. They embark on this training with the sole aim of improving the atmosphere in their class. Also, this training allows them to bring a new learning approach to the traditional system. Finally, note that teachers want to see their learners flourish and encourage independent work as best as possible.

Why train as a parent?

Mon training objectives for parents is to improve or change the way they behave with children. This could indeed promote the development of the latter. However, this is not the only reason why parents engage in training. They also come:

  • have the keys to creating a quality relationship with their child
  • offer their children an environment adapted to their growth
  • understand the functioning and development of the child.

Another use can be schooling assistance to learn effective academic support tools or to do school at home. Finally, note that the main goal is to discover other ways of educating.

Montessori pedagogy: training with the aim of creating your school

There Montessori training can allow certain people to start creating a Montessori school. Indeed, the observation made today is that many Montessori schools are emerging and most of the founders are people who have already followed this training. It should be noted that these private schools are not under contract. Another advantage that pushes Montessori training is awareness of the need to change mentality as well as the way we look at children. As a Montessori school director, it is wise to be trained in Montessori pedagogy. This will allow you to better manage the supervision of the teaching team. Finally, it should be noted that training in Montessori pedagogy is above all an opportunity to transform one’s vision of education and one’s vision of the child.

Get trained in this method to become an educator

The educator is the leader of the class. With Montessori training, he acquires a broader knowledge of the field. It is based on theoretical and practical knowledge. During the training, you will discover the 4 development plans of a child, the preparation of the environment, pedagogy and the sensitive periods of your subject. Moreover, the training will teach you how to handle educational materials and the ability to better present it to children.

This training is aimed at all people interested in the new education. This takes into account parents who are looking for a new educational contribution or a new teaching method. Likewise, teachers who wish offer additional educational contributions in public schools are concerned. Educators of young children and childcare assistants can also be trained.

Montessori training to become an assistant

An assistant in this area is one who helps the educator in the smooth running of classroom activities. He is, in a way, the guarantor of the class atmosphere. Its role is to ensure that the educator is not disturbed during the preparation of work materials for children. Likewise, a Montessori method assistant must check and provide assistance to each child. To be more explicit, its goal is to maintain good internal organization.

Furthermore, compared to the training of an educator, that of a Montessori assistant is shorter. It is based on good theoretical knowledge of child development as well as their sensitive periods. It also takes into account the atmosphere and maintenance of the child’s environment. Finally, remember that during the training, the future Montessori assistant learns to do practical exercises in order to hold a class.

Where to train in Montessori teaching?

Currently in France, there is only one school approved by the International Montessori Association and capable of delivering lessons. On the other hand, you will find several other non-accredited institutes which offer training focused on this method of education. Furthermore, it is necessary to remember that the founder Maria Montessori did not want to propose her name for training or pedagogy. This is explained by the fact that the pedagogy started from an observation of the children. As a result, it is a pedagogy that belongs to everyone. Today, Montessori pedagogy is the trend in children’s schools. This is one of the reasons why there are a multitude of organizations that use the name pedagogy for advertising purposes. Among these, there are some who do not know the method and do not know how it is used either.

So, some people wonder how to find the best training. The advice here is to find a training center approved by the Montessori Internationale association. In the field, it is the association par excellence on a global level. If this is mandatory, it is mainly because the training must emphasize the different values ​​put in place by the promoter. Please note that this association has still given authorization to certain centers to train interested people. You will therefore not have difficulty finding an approved training center in your region.

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