What comic book to give to a child?

| Classé dans childhood

Find the ideal comic book for your child!

Is your child a comic book fan? You will surely please him by giving him his favorite gift.

Children's book

Birthdays or Christmas are all ideal events to present this comic book and educational book to your little one.

Categories indicated for children 3 to 5 years old

Nowadays, comics exist in many categories and can be read at all ages. Some are accessible from a very young age. There is something for everyone, especially little ones. Offered as a Christmas gift or other holiday, a comic book will also be the best tool for teaching reading and history to your children. In addition, this type of book is available at a low price at only around 10 euros per volume.

If you are looking for gift ideas for your little ones, whether they are a little boy or a little girl between 3 and 5 years old, the Adélidélo collection is ideal. Choose, for example, volume 7 entitled “La belle vie chez grandpa et mamie”. This volume tells the story of an intrepid little girl visiting her grandparents. For only around ten euros, you can also opt for volume 7 of the SamSam collection. This time, the story tells the adventures of a superhero evolving in space.


What comic book to give as a gift for ages 6 and up?

As soon as your little boy or girl reaches the age of 6, their capacity for assimilation is now more developed. If you plan to present a comic book as a Christmas gift to your child in this age category, it is possible to find them in publishing houses such as Glenat, Gargaud, Casterman, Dupuis, etc. A wide selection of comics is available at Amazon.

Your little one will be delighted to leaf through the highly colored pages of the Ariol collection. Volume 17 presents the interesting story of Ariol, an endearing little donkey in green class.

Ariol comic strip

Other dedicated books for a gift from 6 and 7 years old

At a price of just a few euros, you can also get other comic books for 6 or 7 year olds. In a store like Amazon, for example, you can discover books from the La Cantoche collection. Volume 6 offers several pages with a rather funny story entitled “Les pieds dans le plat”. Here, the content of the book teaches children the importance of doing their best to help protect the environment.

From 6 and 7 years old, you can also select manga-type books from the Glenat publishing house. Another option is to favor famous people such as Lucky Luke which is distributed by the Dargaud publishing house. There are also some in the categories adventures, stories, comics, heroes, novels, etc.

Lucky Luke comic

The comic strip “Les inséparables” for children aged 8 and over

At 8 years old, the child is already starting to form his own personality. Here there is nothing like a story where they can identify so that they like the book. There is a wide variety to choose from at Amazon if you want to give a comic book as a gift to your 8 year old.

The “Inséparables” collection is the story of a group of friends. They have known each other since they were little because they live in the same neighborhood. Volume 8 of this collection presents toddlers in a school. One of them cheats on a history-geography test. Little ones will quickly discover how cheating can lead them into misadventures.

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