This dough-free quiche with seasonal vegetables is an easy recipe for a light meal

| Classé dans season

Are you looking for a simple and tasty recipe for a light lunch or dinner? This dough-free quiche with seasonal vegetables is ideal! Gluten-free and full of flavor, it combines the lightness of a dough-free quiche with the deliciousness of roasted vegetables. Easy to prepare, it will quickly become an essential part of your meals.

quiche without vegetable dough

Ingredients :

  • 3 eggs
  • 200 ml of sour cream light
  • 100 ml of milk (vegetable or skimmed for a lighter version)
  • 100 g of feta crumbled
  • 1 zucchini medium diced
  • 1 bell pepper red or yellow diced
  • 100 g ofasparagus greens cut into sections
  • 1 chopped onion
  • Salt and pepper
  • Herbs of Provence or fresh basil
  • A little olive oil for cooking vegetables

Preparation (15 minutes of preparation, 30 minutes of cooking):

  1. Preheat your oven at 180°C (thermostat 6).
  2. Brown the vegetables:
    • In a pan with a drizzle of olive oil, brown the chopped onion until translucent.
    • Add the zucchini, THE bell pepper and the asparagus. Sauté for about 5 minutes until the vegetables are lightly browned. Season with salt, pepper and Provence herbs.
  3. Prepare the quiche mixture:
    • In a large bowl, beat the eggs with the sour cream and milk. Salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Assemble the quiche:
    • Add the sautéed vegetables and feta crumbled into the egg mixture. Stir gently to distribute the ingredients evenly.
  5. Pour into the mold:
    • Grease a pie pan or baking pans mini quiches if you prefer individual portions.
    • Pour the mixture into the mold.
  6. Bake:
    • Bake for about 30 minutes, or until the quiche is golden brown and the center is set.

Tips and variations:

  • Version with dough: If you are not gluten intolerant, you can use a shortcrust pastry for a more traditional version of the savory pie.
  • Add protein: For a more protein-rich quiche, add diced lean ham or cooked chicken.
  • Vary the vegetables: THE green vegetables like spinach, broccoli or peas can also be added or substituted depending on the season and your preferences.
  • Quiche Lorraine inspiration: Replace the vegetables with smoked bacon (if you don’t need a vegetarian version) for a touch reminiscent of quiche lorraine classic.
  • Lactose-free option: Use fresh cream and lactose-free milk, and replace the feta with a plant-based cheese for a quiche suitable for those who are lactose intolerant.

Tasting tips:

  • Serve hot or cold: This quiche can be enjoyed both hot and cold, making it perfect for picnics or takeaway lunches.
  • Accompaniments: Serve it with a crisp green salad or a light soup for a complete meal.

Why is this recipe ideal for a light meal?

By removing the shortcrust pastry, this quiche becomes a lighter option and gluten free, while retaining all the flavor of a traditional quiche. THE roasted vegetables provide a wealth of nutrients and fiber, making it a balanced dish. There feta adds a touch of saltiness and creaminess without weighing down the recipe.

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