The seasonal food calendar in March

| Classé dans season

It’s March and soon it’s spring, the good days are coming. While waiting to enjoy the strawberries, we continue to eat:

Pineapple, apple, pear, kiwi, lemon, blood orange, pomelo and let’s enjoy tasting the mango which is in season.

For vegetables let’s eat endive salads or from endives to hams, avocado is still on the markets, so let’s take advantage of making guacamole. Stock up on vitamin C with broccoli and cabbage.

And always the carrots, celery, spinach, onion, leek.

March is the season of beans, sorrel, radishes and salsify.

For fish you can enjoy it sole, scallops, dogfish, sea bass, sea bream, oyster, monkfish, whiting, mackerel, squid, cod, haddock, pollock and red mullet.

If you prefer meat it’s the month of lamb, veal, pork and rabbit.

A little dairy with this month Cantal, Rocamadour, Maroilles, Livarot, Gruyère, Epoisses, Neufchâtel, Langres and Comté.

Enjoy your food.

Spring fruits

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