Homemade Cherry Jam: A Taste of Summer in a Jar

| Classé dans Desserts

Harvest the delights of cherry season with our homemade cherry jam recipe. Easy to prepare, this jam is full of fruity flavors and a natural sweetness that will enhance your breakfasts and snacks.

Homemade cherry jam

Ingredients for your Cherry Jam:

  • 1 kg of cherries
  • 700g jam sugar
  • The juice of a lemon

Step-by-step instructions for Perfect Cherry Jam:

  1. Preparation of the cherries: Start by washing, hulling and pitting the cherries.
  2. Preparation of the jam: In a large saucepan, combine the cherries, sugar and lemon juice. Let the mixture macerate for an hour so that the cherries release their juice.
  3. Cooking the jam: Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Cook for about 30 minutes, stirring regularly. To check if the jam is ready, do the plate test: place a small quantity of jam on a cold plate, it should set quickly.
  4. Storing the jam: Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars, close the lids and invert the jars until completely cooled.

Cherry jam

Enjoy your homemade cherry jam on toast, pancakes or incorporate it into baked goods for a touch of fruity flavor.

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