Easy vegan and gluten-free gingerbread recipe

| Classé dans Desserts

I offer you my vegan gingerbread, quick to prepare with simple ingredients. This tasty gingerbread must be monitored during cooking to obtain a good softness. No need to stay behind your oven the entire time cooking. No of course. Just in the last fifteen minutes to stop your oven at the best time.

The ingredients:

– 250 grams of flour (100 rice flour, 100 quinoa or soy flour and 50 grams cornstarch)
– 250 grams of agave syrup
– A potted compote
– 100 ml of vegetable milk
– 100 grams of brown sugar
– A teaspoon of cinnamon
– A teaspoon of nutmeg
– A teaspoon of ginger
– A teaspoon of four spices or gingerbread mix
– A sachet of baking powder.

Preparation (15 minutes)

1 – Place the flour, baking powder, brown sugar and spices in a salad bowl.
2 – Heat the agave syrup and pour it into the preparation
3 – Mix everything
4 – Add the compote and lukewarm vegetable milk
5 – Mix again
6 – Put the mixture in a cake mold and cook, thermostat 7 or 8, for three-quarters of an hour or an hour, if necessary, monitoring the cooking carefully.


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