Easy almond croquet recipe

| Classé dans Desserts

Ingredients :

– 250 g of flour
– 250 g of almond powder
– 250 g of sugar
– 50 g of almonds
– 3 eggs
– 1 egg yolk
– 2 tablespoons of orange blossom


1. Mix the flour and powdered sugar.
2. Add the almond powder, eggs, crushed almonds and orange blossom water.
3. Mix well so that the preparation is homogeneous.
4. Make small elongated loaves and brown them with the egg yolk.
5. Place them on a buttered baking sheet, spacing them out, as they increase in size as they cook.
6. Cook for 40 minutes at 180°.
7. When the dough is cooked, cut it into slices of about one cm.

Almond croquets

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