Convert unit of measurement length, mass and capacity

| Classé dans Mathematics

A table to help you convert units of measurement for length, mass or capacity. If you have children then you need the length, mass and capacity unit of measurement table from primary school and even up to middle school. This is why on Waouo, we offer you a table to convert the measurements that you are likely to encounter. All you have to do is open the PDF and print the measurement conversion table. It’s very practical, especially when you don’t have all the units of measurement in mind to redo the table yourself. For example for units of measurement of length it is: km hm dam m dm cm mm (kilometer hectometer decameter meter decimeter centimeter millimeter). For the unit of mass measurement it is: kg hg dag g dg cg mg (kilogram hectogram decagram gram decigram centigram milligram) and finally for the capacity: hL daL L dL cL mL (hectoliter decaliter liter deciliter centiliter milliliter).

Download Unit of Measurement Table

Unit of measurement table

If you need to calculate volumes and areas.

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