Checkers game to print and play

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The game of Checkers.
The aim of the game is to take the opponent’s pawns until he can no longer play. There is no need to take all these pawns from him. All he has to do is find himself blocked and he can no longer play.
We suggest you print a game of Checkers with all the pieces needed to play. You will find the game and the pieces to print in the PDF file. After cutting out the elements, you can glue the game and the pieces to cardboard from a cereal box for example, in order to stiffen the game.

Download PDF of the checkers game to print

Checkers game

You can read the complete and official rules of the game of Checkers on the Wikipedia site at the following link,
Know that the pawns move along the diagonals where they are located and that they can only advance one square at a time. To eat, jump or take a pawn, you are in theobligation to do so each time a case arises, as below.

Eat a checkers game pawn

A pawn can take (eat) one or more pawns if they are in a row with a separating square.

Technique to eat a pawn from the queen

The game is best placed as below with a dark square to your left.

Checkers game with numbers

You must place the pawns as below.

Checkers game with pawns

There is a site of the French checkers federation where you will find numerous explanations. See the following link:
Generally the player with the light pawns starts and moves a pawn as below.

Move a checkers game pawn

Then it comes to the opponent.
When you arrive at the opponent’s last line your pawn transforms into Lady. That is to say that the opponent gives you a pawn which you place on top of the pawn in place.

A Lady moves like a pawn diagonally, but in addition, it can move several squares at a time, backwards or forwards, take several pawns and stop on any square of the diagonal. You should only remove the pawns you have skipped at the end of the Queen’s route as below.

White pawns queen wins the game

In the game below, it’s up to white’s pawns to play and they win. How ?

2 white pawns against 4 red

Answer :
First step, movement of the light pawn following the red arrow.

Tactics game of checkers

Second step, the dark pawn is forced to take (eat) the light pawn.

Eat several pawns

Last step the light pawn collects all the dark pawns and wins.

Eat 4 pawns at once

You can watch the progress of the end of the game, in 35 combinations, in this video to get used to how the game works:

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