3d puzzle: everything you need to know about this construction game for children

| Classé dans childhood

A child has every right to be entertained and have fun with various games. This helps him develop several skills, understand the world around him and make discoveries. This is essential for their growth and overall well-being. Parents therefore have a duty to help their offspring enjoy this vital need of their childhood. On the one hand, they can organize relaxing outings in play parks with the little ones. On the other hand, they also have the possibility of providing the child with a certain number of toys to keep them entertained. In all cases, it is important for parents to know how to select the means of entertainment for their offspring. They must not only be fun, they must also allow him to learn and develop good skills. 3D puzzles fit well into this framework.

They are among the most effective means of distraction which offer both fun and educational games. They have been recommended by many specialists. Three-dimensional puzzles are very beneficial for children who can use them at all stages of their growth. Would you like to know more about this construction game for young people? If so, find out all the details about 3D puzzles for children.

What is a three-dimensional (3D) puzzle?

THE 3D puzzle is a contemporary alternative to traditional 2D versions. It is a game of patience which consists of reconstituting an object three dimensions using the parts that fit into each other. Unlike the 2D puzzles which are reproductions of paintings, photos or drawings, these can represent monuments. The objects obtained with 3D are much closer to reality. The 3D puzzle is a real construction game that is distinguished by the number of pieces and several other details that constitute it. Their main characteristic lies in the way of handling the pieces and understanding the game.

THE 3D puzzle is a real puzzle which presents itself as a enigma to resolve. In fact, he appeals to the memory and cognitive functions which intervene at two levels. You must first understand the mechanism that allows the game to stand up. Secondly, it will be a matter of finding the pieces that come together to develop the building. The 3D Puzzle is a fun and educational game which helps develop concentration and intellectual skills in children. It is not exclusively intended for children and can be played alone, in pairs or with the family. 3D puzzles are available in wood, foam, metal and plexiglass. Once assembled, they can have a decorative function in a room because of their aesthetic.

3D puzzle for children

How to properly assemble a 3D puzzle for children?

Embarking on building a puzzle has always been very tempting and exciting for fans of the game. However, this task requires patience and delicacy, especially when playing with 3D pieces. THE assembly of a three-dimensional puzzle is carried out in several stages. You must master them all so as not to increase the number of failures in the game. Discover the different tips for successfully putting together a 3D puzzle.

First step in building a 3D puzzle: preparation

There building a 3D puzzle requires a lot of preparation. To get started, make sure you find a suitable place for the game. So opt for a free space where you can stretch out and freely display the pieces of your models. A desk or table would work well, however, you can stand on the floor. This last option is more recommended for family games between parents and children. In short, the chosen location must be flat, own And uniform. Then, become fully aware of the instructions of your 3D puzzle. This will allow you to have an overview of the work to be done.

Second step in building a 3D puzzle: sorting

There second stage of construction of a 3D puzzle consists of sorting with great attention the different pieces of your models. Whether with a classic puzzle or in 3D, it is always recommended to sort before starting the game. However, you can skip this step if you have less than 50 pieces. With such game, you will not have any difficulty finding and assembling your building as you go. However, if the number of pieces is large then the sorting is necessary. Indeed, it is thanks to this that you will easily be able to build your 3D puzzle. To sort, put on one side curved pieces and another rest of the elements by doing piles by pattern Or colors. This approach is very important, because it allows you to save time during assembly. Above all, it prevents you from repeatedly making mistakes on the location of each element.

Third step in assembling a 3D puzzle: assembling the 2D parts

At this level, the player begins to identify sections in two dimensions which must be assembled. Then he mounts them all one after the other. Clearly, if the object of your 3D puzzle to build is an animal, you must start by forming its different parts. The legs, head and others represent the 2D sections of the model.

If you have difficulty recognizing the 2D sections, don’t worry and simply refer to the instructions. It will tell you the chronology of the different steps to be carried out. You can use a tweezers to facilitate the handling small parts. When the 2D sections are ready, you can move on to the next step. If you do not follow this timeline, you will have difficulty putting together your puzzle. This phase is the one that takes up the most time, but if the sorting has been done correctly, it should not cause you any problems.

Fourth level of construction of a 3D puzzle: making the 3D object

You can now move on to third dimension of building your puzzle. Before beginning this phase, you must ensure that all 2D plans have been assembled and are all ready. At this moment, the logic of construction seems much more obvious. The different sections to be associated are easy to recognize thanks to their tenon ends. These latter fit together effortlessly to form the whole structure. This last step only takes you a few minutes if the preliminary step has been carried out well. Otherwise, you may never get there.

How to choose the right 3D puzzle for children?

THE 3D puzzle is an educational game that ensures brain development in a child. It is therefore essential for parents to introduce it into the education of their offspring. It is also recommended by many specialists due to its fun and educational nature. However, the choice of this construction game for children is not an easy thing, because it involves several criteria. If you don’t know how to choose a 3D puzzle for kids, here are some effective tips which will help you to make the best choice.

The criteria for choosing a 3D puzzle

To choose the right 3-dimensional puzzle for your child, you must take into account a certain number of parameters. So, if you don’t know how to choose such a game for your child, consider the tips below.

The age of the child for whom the 3D puzzle is intended

It is the most important criterion to take into account when choosing a 3D puzzle for your child. It should also be noted that most of the selection parameters depend on this one. Indeed, not all children can play all 3D puzzles. This is why you need to choose a model that is suitable for your age. If you have difficulty recognizing which one corresponds to your child, do not worry. Age ranges are usually mentioned on the game packaging. You can also ask the seller for advice to be sure to choose the right 3D puzzle for your child.

The level of detail of the model and the fit of the pieces of the 3D puzzle

Here is another important parameter that will condition your choice when purchasing a 3D puzzle for children. Indeed, the higher the level of detail, the more difficult it will be to build. Therefore, for the youngest, it is recommended to opt for a simple model with as little detail as possible. Otherwise, the latter will not succeed in building his puzzle and this is rather disappointing for him.

Apart from the details, there is also the level of difficulty in assembling parts which is also to be considered. Indeed, the fixing systems can change from one game to another. Some are able to offer more guarantees of stability and durability to the puzzle than others. You must therefore also pay attention to this detail when purchasing the 3D construction game for your child.

The number of pieces available for the 3D construction game

THE number of pieces matters a lot when choosing a 3D puzzle for children. It allows you to have an idea of ​​the completion time and the level of difficulty of the game. In fact, the fewer pieces there are, the easier the assembly. You will find commercially available 3D puzzle models with:

  • 5 to 10 pieces
  • 10 to 35 pieces
  • 35 to 50 pieces
  • 50 to 100 pieces
  • 100 to 500 and
  • much more.

However, the number of pieces chosen must correspond to the age of the child.

The 3D puzzle theme for children to choose from

THE theme is also one of the aspects to which you must pay a lot of attention if you want to make your child happy. For younger children, opt for models with less complex illustrations. If you want to impress them, choose themes of their hero favorite cartoon. There are also models for reconstituting a zoo or the aquatic fauna. Note that it is also important to take the child’s age into account before choosing the theme of their 3D puzzle.

The material for making the 3D puzzle

THE puzzle games Or of riddles in three dimensions are available in several materials.

  • 3D wooden puzzles

This is the most traditional 3D puzzle version available. THE drink is the material that offers the game quite varied styles. The pieces are easy to handle and fit together easily. In fact, wooden 3D puzzles are the best choices for children.

  • 3D foam puzzles

The 3D puzzles in this category are made of foam board. It’s a material which allows you to obtain larger versions of the game. It is also a very good alternative for younger children who will be able to handle each of the pieces of the puzzle without risk.

  • 3D metal puzzles

This material is the one that offers the most dexterity during the handling. Indeed, before fitting the game pieces into each other, the player must first make a cut on each of them. Maintaining the 3D structure depends on fixing rods which are handled with great care.

  • 3D plexiglass puzzles

This is a translucent material which promotes the creation of quality 3D crystal puzzles. However, this game remains the most difficult to build since it requires a lot of concentration and rigor.

For a child, it is recommended to opt for a durable material And easy to handle. Think about this when making your choice.

Other criteria for selecting a 3D puzzle for children

For choose the right 3D puzzle of your child, it is also necessary to take into account educational interest that the game offers. Thus, in practice it must be both fun and educational. Apart from the technical side of assembly, a 3D puzzle can teach young people certain concepts. There are construction models of terrestrial globe, Eiffel Tower, etc. These allow children to learn the names of continents, oceans, countries, capitals, animals and many others.

You can also look into the decorative aspect of the 3D puzzle at the time of your choice. Once mounted, some can have a decorative function and beautify your interior. So, if the question of aesthetics matters a lot to you, opt for a suitable model.

Which 3-dimensional puzzle for which age?

Note once again that children are not able to put together all types of 3D puzzles. This is why there are suitable models for each age group to allow them to enjoy the game.

What 3D puzzle do children aged 1 to 5 need?

Many brands these days make 3D puzzles suitable for all ages. Even toddlers find something they need. If your child only hasone year of age, opt for a 3D model of 5 pieces maximum. A game consisting of 10 items at most will be more than necessary for a child of 2 years. HAS three years, it is recommended to opt for a puzzle comprising 12 to 35 pieces to the maximum. For children of 4 to 5 years, a model of 35 to 50 elements at most is more than enough for them.

Regarding the puzzle themes 3D, it is advisable to opt for alphabetical configurations Or assembly of small animals for the 1 to 5 years.

What type of 3D puzzle to choose for a child aged 6 to 8 years old

It is from 6 years that a child can actually play 3D puzzle. So it’s time to ditch the imitations and opt for the real models of the game. 6 and 7 years old, choose 3D puzzles from 50 to 100 pieces. If your child has 8 years, take him a model of 100 to 150 pieces. As for the theme, at this level it must be more complex than for 1 to 5 year olds. For example, you can turn to the models of castle reconstruction or hero.

Which 3D puzzle should you choose for ages 9 and up?

At this age, children can already try playing three-dimensional puzzles. with family which include up to 3000 pieces. So opt for gaming models more daring with themes much more educational.

What are the benefits for a child of doing 3D puzzles?

3D puzzles have been very popular with construction game enthusiasts. This version adds a additional challenge to the classic models which for many years have brought joy to players. They are more beautiful, very entertaining and more educational. Here are the main advantages of the 3D puzzle for children.

3D puzzles for children are fun and educational toys

THE three-dimensional puzzles are a great way for children to learn learn more about the monuments they already know. While playing, they can better understand the terrestrial universe by reproducing structures like the globe. In addition to developing their knowledge of general culture, 3D puzzles also help children to develop several other skills. All of this is obviously beneficial for them.

3D puzzles are toys for all ages

The second advantage of this construction game is its very wide availability. Indeed, 3D puzzles are commercially available for all ages. Whether your child is 1 year old, 5 years old, 14 years old, or older, you will easily find models that suit them. 3D puzzles for children offer multiple universes with varying levels of difficulty to suit all ages, passions and abilities.

3D puzzles help children fight boredom

3D puzzles are for children who feel lonely, a great way to fight against boredom. In fact, they are capable of occupying them for several hours. They will be very attached to their toy and will not want to part with it until they have solved the riddle. Additionally, the game stimulates their minds and effectively improves their memory. Many studies have even demonstrated this.

3D puzzles have beneficial effects on the brain

Solving three-dimensional puzzles is a excellent activity for the child’s brain. When this game is played more and more by toddlers, it increase considerably their attention span. He developed also their ability to solve problems of school or those of daily life with which they are confronted. Also thanks to this game, they will be able to cultivate perseverance, there patience and above all the organization.

THE 3D puzzle improves self-assessment, helps the child to perception and to the understanding in general. He develops mathematical logic, the geometric association and the classification. This three-dimensional construction game increases the brain’s ability to produce dopamine. This substance is very useful for the youngest in the sense that it promotes learning And develops memory. Furthermore, 3D puzzle games are an excellent way to improve fine motor skills And spatial orientation in children.

Is the 3D puzzle good for the Montessori method?

It is essential above all to to understand what is Montessori pedagogy. This is how you will know if 3D puzzles are suitable for this method or not.

Montessori method: what is it?

This is a education model based on the observation of the laws of natural development of the mind on a psychological and psychic level. It is a method whose principle is a scientific approach entering into a personal and individual process. The aim of this teaching is to guide the child towards an improvement of one’s motor, sensory, spiritual and intellectual activity. She develops a philosophy according to which the child is not a vessel to be filled. Rather, he is seen as a source who brings his knowledge and understanding to the world of others.

What are the advantages of the Montessori method for a child?

The benefits of Montessori teaching are multiple. She developed in children respect for others, empathy And increases the ability to concentrate. This method favors also a climate of trust at the latter and allows him to have a positive education And harmonious. Montessori pedagogy develops the ability to act of the child and helps him find solutions to a difficulty. It promotes autonomy and also helps the youngest in free choice and free will. As you can see, the Montessori method brings practically the same benefits to children as 3D puzzles. This is the first indication that shows that the construction game is suitable for this educational strategy.

What are the characteristics of Montessori toys?

The majority of Montessori games encourage free play. They are designed in such a way that they can be used in multiple ways. They encourage children to imagine, create, experiment, design, etc. Second, Montessori toys have a clear purpose. They not only distract the child, they also help them develop specific skills. Then, they are simple, durable, made of safe and natural materials and connected to the child’s environment. As you can notice, 3D puzzles correspond well to these characteristics. This once again leads to the fact that the puzzle game is good for Montessori method.

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